I'm taking a summer course, so I don't go to Stage Right on Thursdays. Since I wasn't there today, I'll just have to guess what happened.

But before I start making things up, let me tell you what actually DID happen today: a visit from Broadway legend Lenora Nemetz!

Now, if you'd like watch Nemetz choreographing a number with the teens, as well as other things that happened at camp today, you can check out this video put together by Audrey Johnson:
Or, if you'd like to hear my totally inaccurate "creative speculation" about what happened today, read on.
This afternoon, the teens received a surprise visit from the actual Roxie Hart and Velma Kelly, who happened to be in town. "We heard some teens were putting on that Kander and Ebb musical about us, and we just had to drop by," said Kelly.

Director Tony Marino expressed shock that the two killer-dillers were still alive in 2019. When he asked Hart how old she was, Hart responded, "Don't remember."
The teens got the chance to ask the vaudevillian stars questions, including whether or not they really committed the crimes that take place in the musical. "I didn't do it," said Kelly. "But if I'd done it, how could you tell me that I was wrong?"
Meanwhile, the Frozen Jr. rehearsal also went well. Thanks to preteen director Maya Bhatnagar's coaching, several students have actually developed the power to control the weather.

Bhatnagar planned to incorporate the youngsters' magical abilities into the show's special effects, but preteen choreographer Nick Lenz expressed concern.
"With three feet of actual snow onstage, the dancers may slip and injure themselves," said Lenz. "Maybe if we found some snowshoes that they could dance in, it could work."
Bhatnagar and Lenz reached out to local footwear stores to see if any sold dance-appropriate snowshoes, but unfortunately only adult sizes were available. As a result, other methods will be arranged for the special effects, and the preteens have been asked to only use their powers outdoors and for the good of humanity.
"With great power comes great responsibility," said Bhatnagar.