In order to win at Twin Day, I dressed up as my brother and got mistaken for him a couple times because we looked so alike.

Hint: I am the one without a nose.
Today we received a visit from Claudia Benack, a musical theatre voice instructor at Carnegie Mellon University. She worked with students on vocal technique while singing.

While acting and conveying emotion are important in an audition, so too is vocal resonance, diction, pitch, and tone. These, moreso than acting, are what Benack focused on during this workshop.

Vocal projection seemed to be a big reminder for both groups, as was finding and strengthening vocal range.

I'll admit, I've been busy recently and have not had the time to pretend to be a student in hopes of sneaking into the cast of one of the shows. Today would have been the perfect opportunity, as I was dressed like my teen brother, but I'm sure other opportunities will arise.
It was fun to see everyone dressed as each other. And by fun, I mean confusing. Which is okay, because I am used to being confused. Tomorrow is Disney Day, so I can't wait to see what people come up with.