Well look at that. The summer camps are over already. And I never even wrote posts for what happened on the last two days.

Oh well.
This summer was very productive, which is odd to me, because I am never productive. Working with Stage Right was both fun and very educational. I learned many important life lessons, such as if a toilet stops working you can blame the preteens, or that the Waitress who bakes pies does not actually know Evan Hansen.
Most importantly is I got to spend the day with actual people. So why don't I show you the actual people I got to work with all summer:

And this picture doesn't even include the returning special guests, acro instructors, Bernadette the custodian, and the parent volunteers, all of whom help keep Stage Right running.
An important thing I made this summer, besides these blog posts, was the redesign of the Stage Right logo. Ever since I first saw the Stage Right logo in middle school, I thought it was cool, so this was a very meaningful job for me. I hope my design captures the snappy look of the original.

Today was the last day of my internship, which means I say goodbye to Stage Right for the summer. Not really though, since I am always around. No doubt you will see me in the audience of many shows this upcoming season. And who knows, maybe one day in the future I will actually audition for these shows, too.

So thank you for reading my ramblings and looking at my doodles. Surely you will hear of my misadventures some other time. And look out for Stage Right's upcoming season!