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Day 7: In Which We Learn Diction in Our Pajamas

Today was Pajama Day.

I've been looking for an excuse to wear my owl slippers in public for a very long time.

Today the preteens and teens enjoyed a masterclass from special guest star Claudia Benack, a musical theatre voice instructor at Carnegie Mellon University.

Claudia Benack examines the comfiness of a chair.

Besides impressing the students with the fact that she had coached famous Broadway actors, Benack led each group in warm-ups and then listened to volunteers sing audition cuts.

Preteens singing vocal warmups

After each volunteer sang their song, Benack gave both praise and constructive criticism, such as praising a sense of pitch and energy then suggesting ways to "shape" the song. Afterward, the student was asked to sing the song a second time. Each time showed noticeable vocal awareness and improvement.

I witnessed both the preteen and teen sessions, and the feedback she gave each was pretty consistent. Each kid had room for improvement, but everyone who sang clearly had the right stuff to begin with.

A preteen sings for Claudia Benack.

In other news, I continue to graphic the design on whatever graphicdesignable situations come my way, including posters and online event banners. Look out for them later this week and go onto the Facebook to check out Stage Right's events for Frozen Jr. and Chicago!

Lastly, a very important lesson learned is never flush too much toilet paper down the toilet. That is all.

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